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Fra en verden til en anden v. billedkunstner Helene Høm


A 6 min. reportage made by TV2/Bornholm 14.06.2022 about Helene Høm and her work with the exhibition UNKNOWN LAND 2022:

Link til TV-PROGRAM “Ukendt land” 2022

“Kulturreportagen” (6. min) af TV2/Bornholm 14.06.2022 om Helene Høm og arbejdet med udstillingen Ukendt Land i 2022

Kort biografi:  Helene Høm eksperimenterer mellem det forståelige og det abstrakte i en arbejdsproces, hvor motiver, farver og ornamenter blandes, ofte med undertoner af mystik. Hun er oprindeligt akademi-uddannet performer fra statsuddannelsen Akademi for Scenekunst, Norge, i 2001-2004 (BA).Her blev metoder og udtryk fra billedkunst, arkitektur og installationskunst brugt i arbejdet med at skabe performances og teater. Som en del af uddannelsen begyndte hun her at male med billedkunstner Hans Ove Granath som professor.

Efter at have arbejdet i mere end 25 år i krydsfeltet mellem kunst og teater – med lige dele arbejde i atelieret og på scenen – valgte hun i 2018 at etablere sig som billedkunstner i Gudhjem. (Foto : Thomas Danielsen)

Short biography: Helene Høm experiments between the understandable and the abstract in a working process where motifs, colors and ornaments are mixed so that subtle impressions and themes can emerge – often with undertones of mystery. The landscapes and life around Gudhjem are used for artistic investigations that wander between the meticulous and the spontaneous. She was originally trained as a performer (BA) from the Norwgian Theatre Academy 2001-2004. Here, methods and expressions from visual arts, architecture and installation art were used in the work of creating performance and theater. As part of that, she started painting. As her graduation project, she made a series of paintings based on a theater script, with professor and visual artist Hans-Ove Grantah (SE) as her mentor.

After working for more than 25 years in the intersection between art and theater – with equal parts work in the studio and on stage – she chose in 2018 to establish herself as a visual artist in Gudhjem. (Photo: Thomas Danielsen)